Practices for Returning To Nature

Sit in Nature

The journey to understand the interconnectedness of the more-than-human world is a great remedy for the condition and feeling of isolation that so many in our modern culture experience.  It is a great remedy for the fear, anxiety and depression that arises from such loss of connection to our inherent nature and our place in the nature of all things.

Here are a few things you can do right now to begin your return to deep nature connection:

  1. Breathe.  Take a few minutes each day to consciously follow your breath as it travels through your body.  As you pay attention to your inhalation and exhalation, you may begin to notice new sensations, thoughts, images, and feelings.  Keep enlivening these newfound places within with more breath.  Write about it. Talk to others about your experiences.
  2. Find a Secret Spot.  With all of your senses alive, go to one special place again and again and over time.  Your own backyard is the perfect pace to start.  This will help you develop keen awareness and observation skills, enabling you to see patterns and cycles in nature and cultivate a deep presence with all of life.  Sitting quietly, you begin to hear the “melody of your own voice, and its place in the harmony of nature. “
  3. Give Thanks.  This ancient and universal art of expressing gratitude opens our hearts to one another and to the natural world, and also helps us pay attention to the diversity and richness inherent in our experiences with nature.  Do this every day, especially when you don’t really feel grateful for anything.
  4. Share your Stories.  We all have a need to share our discoveries with those in our community who will listen attentively, and ask good, insightful questions to draw out our perceptions that may lead us on to the next unfolding in our path to self-discovery.  Find connected, caring people to caretake and guide this precious journey.  Be a good listener and ask good questions if someone entrusts you with their stories.

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